
Hello, friends!

This month, I'd like to point out something that has been hiding in plain sight on the internet for a few months now.

We have an IMDb page!

It turns out that if you hire someone with a significant page of their own on IMDb, they can then turn around and give you a page. That's what happened when I contracted with Eli Harris for a few clips, giving his gravelly bass goodness to the giant Amanu.

There is still a lot of information missing right now, but it takes a while to push through updates. Eventually however, everyone who has worked with us will end up with a page of their own linked off of here.

I'm not really sure what pre- or post-production means in the context of a video game, but someone else decided to put "post" on there.

More will be coming as people sign on and I push more data to the site!


Popping up on Retroware


Salt and Vinegar