An Ogrewhelming Year to Come

Hello, friends!

I hope you're having a warm and joyful holiday season.

Seems like another good point to discuss overall progress on this big ol’ project. So here we go...

Main story development: Will be finished in 2023. Probably late in the year. Currently, I am still working on the third to last story module--it's an extra large one. I'll be done with that probably in February. Then I will have the rest of the year to finish the other two.

"Public" demo: Will be done soonish. Maybe February? I'm currently making edits and cleaning up some of the early story modules so those will be playable. Then there are a number of other rough edges to sand down and polish.

Voiceover: This is somewhere around 70% done. All player characters are currently voiced. Working through the rest at a slow pace to let more story content get done. Should be finished shortly after main story development, with maybe some spot work here and there afterward.

Art Assets: The team is still working at a pretty good clip. I'm struggling to keep new asset requests in the front end of the queue for them, but there are a number of things stuck in the middle. My gut tells me that we're on track here, but I will continue to assess.

Testing: <distant laughter> I will hire a tester when the list of known issues is much smaller. Maybe in late 2023. Although I might consider hiring someone much sooner if I decide to release a true public demo.

Overall: Completion will be... optimistically a year from now. Realistically, somewhere in 2024. I keep saying two years from now, or a year and a half from now. But I can see where major components to this thing will actually be finished, so I'm feeling more confident about my estimates at this point. Bearing that in mind, yes, very likely in 2024.

That's all for now!


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Little House on the Cliffside