Deep in the Woods
Hello, friends!
We are deep into work on the second-to-last story module now. As usual, I am splitting my own time into multiple lanes of work, but I'm leaning a little more into content now. Narrative figure animations are about 75% done at this point, but that's a moving target, given that new figures get added during the writing process. Voiceovers were on pause for a while, but I will be doing a few more of those soon.
And I continue to make little tweaks all over the game to fix bugs, add effects, or improve UI. The P1 category of bugs and enhancements is nearly empty at this point, leaving a sizeable P1.5 category, and an enormous P2 category. No matter how big any of these are, however, I expect that I can burn them down very quickly when story design is finally done and I can focus most of my time on improvements.
At some point, I will work on a communication strategy here where I can trickle out better stuff like gameplay videos and accelerate that output leading up to release, but for now, I ask you to bear with me. I'm heads-down on development, so I haven't been spending a lot of time on this side of things. We're not in that final phase yet. But... it is close enough that I need to start thinking about it.
Bearing that in mind, I don't have more to add now. But I hope you have a lovely start to July!