Far from Shore

Hello, friends!

It'll be spring soon, so seems like a good time for another status update.

First, about the core story content: I am still working on the third to last story module. Design is complete, but implementation will take another month or three. My expectation is to finish the other two modules by the end of this year, but that's only going to happen if I can stay disciplined with scope on the next one.

Sometimes I just need to add more stuff.

The second swim lane is what I have been calling "public demo." I did recently cut a rough build of this to share with a few friends. It is playable for the full scope of what I would call a demo (about four hours of play), but I still have a laundry list of bug fixes and general enhancements to work through before expanding the audience on this.

My third swimlane is animations for narrative figures. I'm a little under half done with these. Everything for the demo portion is done save for one new piece of art I requested last month. I expect the rest to be done by the end of the year, except maybe some pieces I need for the final module.

Fourth swimlane is voiceover. I put this on pause a few months back to let story content catch up. So I would say that we're well past the halfway mark on this. I will get some more recordings here and there over the course of this year, and will probably finish these out early next year.

The art team has their own set of swimlanes to work through, and it looks like this:

Also, I haven't commissioned any new music in a while, but I expect there will be more of that in the near future.

So, uh, when do we finish swimming? Next year, maybe. However long it takes to fix things up after finishing the story content. It's going to take a while still.

I know. I want me to finish too. But there's still some distance to go here.

That's all for now. Take care!


Orlan Speaks


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